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Signing in with your social networking identity saves you from ever having to remember a username or password and allows a single click login. We only retrieve your email and name and use that to automatically generate an account here if you don't have one yet. If you're not already logged into your social networking account in this web browser they may prompt you to login, but Food Trucks Des Moines Iowa will not see your social networking password and will have no ability to change anything in your social networking account -- it's completely safe, and convenient.

Login with Facebook

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Membership Preference:

    Register for FREE as a "Member" and get the added features to track and follow your favorite Food Trucks!

    Register for FREE as a "Partner" if you are Food Truck owner and want to claim your location to manage your Brand and Partner Features. You will be able to edit and add your schedule at no cost.

    Branding and Partner Features Include:
    • Visitors can easily access your social media sites and website
    • Add photos of your food truck
    • Fans can easily find you and follow your schedule to increase awareness
    • Load your schedule and easily manage to share in your social media
    • Your schedule is published to our followers on Facebook, and Instagram
    • This service is locally owned and managed right here in the Des Moines Area just like you
    • 54K visitors used our site in 2024 with an average Google search position of 2.6

    Register as a "Food Truck" owner and get all the benefits as a Partner, plus leads from those looking for a Food Truck delivered to your preferred email now till the end of the 2025 season. The cost is $249!

Located downtown, the Pappajohn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Park features 22 of world's most celebrated artists.
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I certify that I am either 13 years of age or older, or have already returned the parental permission form